Ideas Platform

Chevron Hassett
Head in the clouds

16 Jan – 7 Feb 2021

Above: Chevron Hassett, Head in the clouds, 2021. Installation view, Ideas Platform, Artspace, Sydney. Photo: Zan Wimberley
43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia

Head in the clouds is a solo exhibition by Wellington based, Aotearoa artist Chevron Hassett. Drawing on recent global events such as the toppling of colonial statues, the Black Lives Matter movement, Indigenous land protests and marking 250 years since the arrival of James Cook to the Pacific, Hassett presents two new works that respond to the histories of these significant colonial events and reclamation of identity through themes of hope and resistance.

Chevron Hassett, born Lower Hutt, Aotearoa (NZ) is an early career artist of Māori (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine) and Pākehā (Irish) heritage. He graduated with a Bachelor of Design with Honours from Massey University in 2017 and was the recipient of the Ngā Manu Pirere award from Creative New Zealand.

Hassett is a visual artist predominantly working in lens-based media, sculpture and public installation. At the heart of his practice is the essential spirit of whanaungatanga, the Māori concept of connecting, building and maintaining relationships within communities. Hassett holistically collaborates with his local communities and peoples, his recent works engage with narratives of socio-cultural identities, urban indigeneity and colonialism within Pacific and indigenous histories.

Recent exhibitions include, JustUs, Enjoy Gallery, Wellington, 2020, Commoner, St Paul St Gallery, Auckland, 2020, Companions, Pari­­_Ari Gallery, Sydney, 2020, Strands, The Dowse Museum, Lower Hutt, 2019, Kōhanga, Firstdraft, Sydney, 2019, Visual Arts Residency, Toi Pōneke, Wellington, 2019.

Thank you to Creative New Zealand for their continuous support, to Taita Clubhouse’s Aroha during the production of the work and lastly to my grandad who I am wishing gets better with a healthy recovery.