
Samuel James
AMYGDALA - Fear Conditioning

13 Aug – 10 Sep 2010

Above: Samuel James, 'AMYGDALA - Fear Conditioning', installation view, Artspace, Sydney, 2010. Photo: silversalt photography.
43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia

A collection of live performance video projections, multiplied into a distorted archive. Sense is derived through devolution in a media echo chamber with artifice layered upon artifice.

This expression is similar to the human amygdala - the component of the brain that deals with memory and emotion, and is associated with fear-conditioning.

Twenty separate performance works are appropriated, second and third orders of the video image are built in, giving as much definition to reproduction as the original and are seen as memory of performance as real life.
