
52 Artists 52 Actions Symposium

Mon 1 Jul 2019

Above: Enkhjargal Ganbat, 53rd Action performance for the 52 ARTISTS 52 ACTIONS Symposium, 21 July, 2019, Artspace, Sydney. Photo: Anna Kucera
Mon 1 Jul 2019, 9:00am - 6:00pm
43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia

Artspace, in partnership with Asialink Arts and Asia Society Australia presents the 52 ARTISTS 52 ACTIONS symposium. The symposium is designed to stimulate discussion, critical thinking and engagement with some of the most important issues explored in Artspace’s 52 ARTISTS 52 ACTIONS project — censorship, activism, migration, labour, gender, and economies of power.

The two day event will bring together leading thinkers and artists from across the Asia-Pacific to shift perceptions and push the boundaries of conventional thought.


Associated exhibition