News • Announcement

Alexie Glass-Kantor Bids Farewell to Artspace

Above: Alexie Glass-Kantor. Photo: Zan Wimberley

Alexie Glass-Kantor Bids Farewell to Artspace

The Board of Artspace today announced that after a highly successful tenure, the Executive Director of Artspace, Alexie Glass-Kantor, has advised the Board of her intention to step down in mid-September 2024 after leading the organisation through a major redevelopment and cementing its place as a key arts institution domestically and internationally. 

Speaking on behalf of the Artspace Board, Chairman Peter Wilson said:
‘After 10 years in the role, Alexie leaves having overseen a period of extraordinary transformation at Artspace, safe in the knowledge that her visionary cultural leadership and advocacy has guaranteed a strong future for the organisation. 

The physical transformation of Artspace’s headquarters has been matched by exceptional growth and revitalisation within the organisation, due in no small part to Alexie’s tireless passion and dedication to her role over the past 10 years. This is demonstrated by Artspace recently receiving the inaugural Time Out Sydney Arts & Culture 2024 Impact Award.

Alexie has consistently delivered, whether it be risk-taking exhibitions, ambitious co-commissions, publishing and accessible archives or rent-free artist studios. We wish Alexie every success in her future international and domestic roles and thank her for her custodianship of Artspace. Throughout her tenure, Alexie has effortlessly combined a focused curatorial vision with effective leadership, expanding our networks and supporter base significantly.’ 

Alexie Glass-Kantor said:
‘There is never a good time to depart an organisation that you love, but now is the moment for me to explore new opportunities, and to welcome generational change and renewed leadership for Artspace. The role of Executive Director has truly been an honour and a privilege that has been profoundly transformational, both personally and professionally, and I am so proud of the collective achievements of the Artspace team over the past decade.

I extend my sincerest thanks to all those who I have had the honour of working with during my tenure and shared in this journey — we did it together. Looking to the future I will always champion the unique and powerful contribution that Artspace makes to the arts and to sharing what happens next. Exciting times ahead!’

Current Deputy Director Michelle Newton will be the interim Executive Director while a national and international search is undertaken to secure a new Executive Director.

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Kabuku PR | Belinda Dyer,, 0415 686 014

Artspace Media Release
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