Ideas Platform

Making Now

15 Sep – 24 Sep 2017

Above: 'Making Now', installation view, Artspace, Sydney, 2017. Photo: Jessica Maurer.
43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia
Thursday 14 September, 6pm

Making Now presents a diverse range of work from developing artists from the Woolloomooloo local community.

This Ideas Platform project is the culmination of a 4-month workshop in collaboration between the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Artspace and Ozanam Learning Centre, Woolloomooloo. The artist group have worked closely with artists Marian Abboud and Ludwig el Haddad to produce new works that engage with a variety of contemporary art processes, expanding upon individual interests and expertise.

The workshops introduced participants to contemporary art making practices, with weekly facilitated visits to the Art Gallery of NSW and Artspace, as well as presentations from artists from the Artspace studio program.