Ideas Platform


15 Jun – 7 Jul 2019

Above: Blocumenta, curated by Baden Pailthorpe and Denise Thwaites, 2019, installation view, Ideas Platform, Artspace, Sydney. Photo: Artspace
43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia
Friday 14 June, 6pm

Blocumenta is a multifaceted program encompassing an on-site exhibition, participatory event and online intervention that will speculate on the future of art and culture post-blockchain. Curated by Baden Pailthorpe and Denise Thwaites, this project will be exhibited in the Artspace Ideas Platform and accompanied by a Blockathon co-presented with bitfwd Ventures (14 – 16 June 2019). Featuring artists Jonas Lund (Berlin/London) and terra0 (Berlin) in the exhibition space, while Dara Gill, Jess Herrington, Anna Madeleine and Gwen Taualai collaborate in the Blockathon event, Blocumenta looks at the impact of blockchain upon culture and nature, asking whether this new technology has the capacity to enable concrete social and economic change. This diverse and participatory series of events will engage artists, theorists and blockchain pioneers to explore unique new interrelationships between art, technology and economics.

The potential impact of Blockchain technology is easily obscured by epic hype. How many of us really know what a blockchain can do? Blockchain is about data: redesigning the structures that decide who can store, access, exchange and make use of it. Blockchain rethinks the role of trust in our digital lives, offering us infrastructures to imagine new cooperative communities and economies.

The Blocumenta Blockathon will bring together some of Australia’s most exciting artists, theorists, software developers, designers and entrepreneurs for 48hrs of intensive creation. Whether you’re an artist, developer, designer, entrepreneur, student, or professional, come along to learn about blockchain in this mega art-tech mashup! All you need is a laptop, turbo charged imagination and an open mind. 

How it works
On the day, participants are invited to form teams of 3-5 people including a mix of artists, designers, developers, or entrepreneurs. Together, you will identify an artistic problem to solve, or artwork to make. Using existing or newly acquired skills in blockchain building, interaction design, creative thinking and making, you’ll rapidly prototype your project over 48hrs before presenting it to the Blockathon audience.

Friday, 6–9pm
Teams formed, Blockathon task announced, building begins!

Saturday, 9am–9pm
Building continues! Day includes opportunities to participate in free yoga, eat snacks, engage in an arts and culture roundtable and learn about existing blockchain art projects.

Sunday, 9am–6pm
Building continues! Final presentation of team projects, announcement of Blockathon champions!

Presentation of team projects will be at 3pm on Sunday. 

Please note, to participate in the Blockathon you must register through the link below, however guests are invited to come and spectate the Blockathon in action at any time throughout its duration. The Blockathon will be taking place in Artspace's seminar room on level 2. For more information, please ask our front of house staff.