the pleasurable, the illegible, the multiple, the mundane
30 Apr – 11 Jul 2021

43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia
Thursday 29 April, 6pm
Delving into personal belief systems as well as broader social frameworks, the pleasurable, the illegible, the multiple, the mundane explores the fabric of our relationships, from the interpersonal to the interplanetary. Here are private rituals, games between lovers, existential thought forms, historical mistruths, perennial riddles.
The artists represented cover wide ground but all engage with art as a means of embodied discovery or revelation. They present themselves as many and morphing in a web of relational identities: child, parent, lover, other. Past and future selves meet and diverge. Knowledge and faith come in and out of focus.
The works move between comedy and sincerity, irony and honesty, fiction and truth. Many draw on diaristic tendencies or something of the confessional, revealing quirky, personal and complex worlds. Poetry and symbolism dominate. As do forms of marking of the self – individual and collective – through time.
In this moment of global introspection and deceleration, the pleasurable, the illegible, the multiple, the mundane draws on love and loss, then and now, aligning intergenerational practices that engage with truth seeking and confidence tricking in the games of art and life.