
Between Site & Space

13 Mar – 18 Apr 2009

Above: Paramodel, 'Pilot plan - p class architect office', installation view, Artspace, Sydney, 2009. Photo: Silversalt.
43–51 Cowper Wharf Roadway
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
Sydney Australia

Between Site & Space represented the culmination of a two-stage collaboration between Tokyo Wonder Site and Artspace, Sydney. The project was conceived as a means to facilitate contact and dialogue between Australian and Japanese artists, strengthening and diversifying international artist networks while introducing audiences in both countries to new and innovative artistic practices that respond to the sites of their production and presentation. To this end, the notion of 'exhibition' was considered in its expanded form, as the platform for a complex encounters occurring over an extended period, not limited to a single venue, place or timeframe.

During the first phase of the project, Sydney artists Alex Gawronski, Gail Priest and Tim Silver undertook an intensive residency in Tokyo, drawing on their experiences of the city, in many ways exploring it through their individual practices, to produce work for exhibition alongside Japanese artist Hiraku Suzuki and collectives exonemo and Paramodel in Diorama of the City at Tokyo Wonder Site, Shibuya. Supported by a similar period of residency at Artspace, Between Site & Space elaborates the works, concepts and relationships emerging from this process, with Artspace hosting the artists as they further engaged the politics of site, mapping, through photography, wall painting, installation, sound and media art, place and displacement alike.

A joint project developed in collaboration with Tokyo Wonder Site. Supported by the Japan Foundation. Part of the Australia-Japan Strategic Ties for the Arts Program, an initiative of Asialink, supported by the Australia-Japan Foundation and the Australia Council for the Arts.