
r e a

Above: r e a, 2023. Photo: Courtesy the artist

r e a (they/them) is from the Gamilaraay/Wailwan and Biripi peoples of NSW, they currently live and work in the Blue Mountains. r e a is an experimental interdisciplinary artist / curator / activist / researcher/ cultural educator and creative thinker. Their creative practise-led research extends over three decades, their  art often focuses on unveiling the silence of the colonial archive. Their creative research extends into the reclamation and reframing of the bla(c)k queer body, as they re-story  Indigeneity and bla(c)kness! 

Their extensive research includes the examination of contemporary discourses, which as yet have not changed the colonial narrative of Aboriginality. r e a's work is centred in the visual arts and located in experimental digital technologies that intentionally, disrupt and disturb a history of silence. Their art consciously draws on a legacy of lived experiences, ancestral knowledge and the impact of intergenerational trauma, grief and loss. 'My art is the practice of reclamation; a disruption of the colonial gaze through re-storying the blak-body as a point of protest.'