
Megan Cope

Megan Cope is a Quandamooka woman from North Stradbroke Island, Queensland. Her work explores the intricate relationship between environment, geography and identity. Maps feature prominently in Cope’s work; she draws on toponymy (the study of place names) to probe myths and methodologies around colonisation.

Cope’s work has been exhibited in Australia and internationally including at Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art; Gold Coast City Art Gallery; MONA FOMA, Hobart; ARC Biennial, Brisbane; Cairns Regional Art Gallery; Koori Heritage Trust, Melbourne; City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand; Para Site Contemporary Art Space, Hong Kong; Careof Art Space, Milan; the Australian Embassy, Washington and Next Wave Festival, 2014. In 2015 Cope’s work was curated into an exhibition at Musées de la Civilisation in Québec, Canada, which has also acquired her work for their permanent collection. She undertook a 'TimeSpacePlace': Nomad Residency 2014 awarded through Performance Space, Sydney.

Cope was commissioned to create major site-specific work for the exhibition My Country, I still call Australia Home at Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art, 2013; as well as for the Melbourne Museum and the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 2015.

Cope is a member of Aboriginal art collective proppaNOW.